Autogas is a green, clean-burning alternative fuel listed in the Clean Air Act (1990) and the Energy Policy Act (1992).


When Autogas for America reaches its goal of 500,000 Autogas vehicles on the road, the reduced emissions will be drastic. Assuming that 500,000 light-duty Autogas vehicles, each traveling approximately 50,000 miles annually, replaced the same number of conventional gasoline vehicles, the reduced emissions will include approximately:

  • 150,500 tons of carbon monoxide
  • 8,600 tons of volatile organic compound
  • 18,200 tons of nitrogen oxide emissions
  • 28 tons of fine particulate matter

In all, more than 2.65 million tons of greenhouse gases would be displaced each year.

Vehicles that run on Autogas can expect substantial reductions in greenhouse gas and particulate matter emissions compared to gasoline-powered vehicles.


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